It's a perfect day at the museum. It is perfect weather for pressure washing. |
The high powered pressure washer is used to remove scale from around the flexible stay bolt caps. |
Getting around each cap is tedious but it will save time later. |
Overall the boiler was in excellent shape and barely any scale was removed. |
With the pressure washer out exhibit manager Rick Brown decided it was a good time to give 3450 a bath. |
After the washing was done Sam Calderwood works on removing broken bolts from the steam chests. |
Many small bolts and screws were broken off in the removal of the jacketing. |
Paul removes protective plywood from the cab window. |
Sam removes the last broken bolt from engineer's side steam chest. |
Exhibit Manager Rick Brown takes a break from pressure washing UP 9000 to help clean off steel bars that go to the Outer Harbor #2 tender. |
The fireman's side steam chest with all the broken bolts removed. |
Paul chips away at an area just ahead of the steam manifold. This area showed the heaviest amount of scaling. |